(sorry, this is US data only.)
Disclaimer: the links provided here are not direct suggestions or opinions of the blogger. The intent is simply to assist in the reader's own research on topics of the disclosed nature and content.
1. state statutes on neglect or abandonment
2. mental health law organization
3. custody relinquishment: a pdf from Bazelon about the travesty of custody relinquishment to get a child with mental health needs appropriate care
4. Court appointed special advocates
5. NAMI document on the "custody relinquishment national scandal".
6. article about custody relinquishment many resources and options in Washington state. Why not elsewhere?
7. Maryland state pdf on custody relinquishment
8. blog dedicated to adoptive parents that are forced to relinquish custody to get appropriate services for traumatized and/or abused children
9. child and adolescent bipolar foundation and a forum discussion on custody relinquishment
10. california laws on no-fault dependency
11. no-fault dependency. I've had considerable difficulty nailing down a reasonable link for this option in relinquishing custody of a special needs minor child because the parent or guardian is unable to manage said child's level of care. Anyone that finds a reasonable link, comment and I'll edit.
12. CHINS(Massachusetts), CHINS Washington, CHINS Virginia, CHINS Georgia
13. Ungovernability
14. unruly minor another category I found lacking in sufficient online resources. Again, should you find adequate links, please let me know.
15. when to contact a protection and advocacy system or client advocacy program national disability rights network lists advocacy groups in your state
Think you may know of a few other stones I've neglected to turn over? Comment away. I'll dig some more.
Thanks for the links!
One of your greatest assets is your ability to gather information to help yourself and other families. Lack of knowledge can be devastating as we both know. You're awesome!
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