On a good day, parenting will test the integrity of your character. On a bad day, parenting will test your will to live. Parenting children with trauma histories will cause you to test the integrity of everything and everyone you thought you knew, for the rest of your life.
~J. Skrobisz

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Holiday without Sissy

We had a relaxing day, enjoying the weather and the three hour drive to Warner Robins, although we were a little sad that we couldn't also find the time to drive north to the RTC to visit Sissy.

Only one of the Dad's family members inquired about Sissy's whereabouts. The dad and I fortuitously discussed and rehearsed what we would say when asked because we didn't really feel like explaining it to everyone. Our rehearsed speech went off without a hitch, "Well, you know Sissy and Aspie Boy have special needs. Sissy is spending the holiday at a therapy center."

It pays to plan ahead but that means you have to THINK ahead first. Sometimes we forget the think-ahead part and we have to plan on our toes which doesn't always work. Being a RAD mom is exhausting for no other reason than all the thinking, planning, discussion and damage control!

Tonight was our night to talk to Sissy by telephone, we get three nights a week for 10 minutes. We are pretty amazed that she has managed to do it since she has always been extremely terrified of the apparatus, despite our many role-playing sessions. (To all the people that tell us our RADishes are "normal" I'd like to ask them if they've ever role-played phone calls with THEIR "normal" kids)

Today she got to go on an outing to see a movie so she has "green level" status for good behavior. She had a traditional holiday meal and as per our request, was prepared to tell us the name of her roommates. When we talked to her on Tuesday, her characteristic reply to the inquiry of the names of the other immediate people in her life was, "I don't know." So we challenged her to learn and remember her roommates' names for our phone call tonight.

Of course, there is always much to be thankful for but above all, I'm thankful that Sissy is at the RTC.


J. said...
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stellarparenting.com said...

that was me deleting ocmments signed in from my other blog, not that it matters just that it gets confusing and now I am rembling on about that rather than saying - glad that she was able to hear your requests and follow through and fantastic to here that she is doing so well.