On a good day, parenting will test the integrity of your character. On a bad day, parenting will test your will to live. Parenting children with trauma histories will cause you to test the integrity of everything and everyone you thought you knew, for the rest of your life.
~J. Skrobisz

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Slow it Down

Slow it Down
poetry is original work by author of this blog.  Copyright laws apply.
Oh where are you happy day?
When will you find me
In my bed, gently waking
Slowly opening to the new dawn
As the chirping sweetly sings
And the chiming softly rings?

Eroded by the rain,
Heavy mists linger, sinking lower.
Weighing heavy on my mind
And my heart
While the light grows dark;
Despair silences the lark.

Slow it down.
Slow it down.
Not one sound.
Time is without meaning.
Let the mind capture one finite moment
Then make it stop.
Frame the droplets one by one
In perfectly anchored images
Of hope, dangling in suspended animation
Above the chaos of the world.

In the weight of the burden
There is beauty and life.
Still the weary soul
Slow it down, just one beat.
Mark time, march onward
Through chaos as it swirls.

Sing, oh my soul, in the midst of fear.
Run to the freedom of the river.
Fly on winds of change, fly
Through the night and into the dawn.
Slow it down until I find me
In my bed, gently waking
Slowly opening to the new dawn
As the chirping sweetly sings
And the chiming softly rings.


Unknown said...

Praying for you today. Thank you for sharing your heart in such a beautiful, painful way.
Have been looking for your Etsy page. Can you put a link on your side bar.

Integrity Singer said...

@ jackie - done! Please see side bar just above the Acronym dictionary link